Dialog in Agora is an intercultural and interdisciplinary artistic platform initiated by the artist Dana Fabini.
It has the aim to open and establish structures for interactive, performative and sustainable art communication and art reception. 
You find here short informations mostly in original language about the projects of this platform, as well as contributions to other similar projects.

2023-2024 Creative forms of art dialogue and clinical context

The Military Emergency Hospital "Dr. Constantin Papilian" in Cluj-Napoca is the second largest unit of its kind in Romania (after the Central Military Hospital), it has over 400 employees and annually over 11,000 patients - military and civilian - from absolutely all counties of the country. Based on the collaboration agreement between the University of Art and Design - Art Education Department and the Emergency Military Clinical Hospital in Cluj Napoca, an art therapy project was developed during 2023-2024. The students of the second and third year of bachelor art studies worked together with inpatients and outpatients in neurology, psychiatry and oncology. The project involved different group communication techniques on visual art and enjoyed a very good collaboration with the medical staff, to the benefit of the patients. It is a pilot project to introduce sustainable structures for the practice of art therapy in the clinical context in Romania.
Coordination of the project: university professor Dr. habil. Dana Fabini.
Assistance: Ph.D student Roxana Fogaș / Ph.D. student Theodor Romilă / Ph.D. student Mădălin Ciucă / PhD. student Ovidiu Leuce.

Director: Commander colonel Dr. Doina Baltaru, the first woman in Romania to run a military hospital.
See also the project announcement on TVR Cluj News

2023 Diasporic Art Exhibition

The largest exhibition in Romania dedicated to exile and the way in which artists maintain ties with their country of origin, was presented at the Centrul de Interes between June 7 and July 29, 2023. The curator Ami Barak and the nine artists , who live and work outside their countries of origin, are reference names in international contemporary art: Adel Abdessemed, Mircea Cantor, Gaëlle Choisne, Latifa Echakhch, Hana Miletić, Melik Ohanian, Anna Prvacki, Daniel Otero-Torres, Decebal Scriba.

“The use of the term diaspora has expanded considerably over the last few decades. Initially referring to a forced exile, for political, economic, social and cultural reasons, it is now relatively commonplace and is enough to maintain a link, at least symbolic, with an original home and a set of dispersed populations that originated from it to proclaim oneself a member of a diaspora and to assume an identity that volens nolens brings back to the origins. On the artistic level, these conscious or unconscious links, these artistic genealogies are undeniably sources of enrichment, both symbolic and metaphorical. Whatever they do, the artists will express, as much on the level of the formal vocabulary as on the conceptual level, works or details which will bring us back to these links. As the British sociologist and scholar Paul Gilroy (1993) says so well, «𝘙𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴». «𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘶𝘴», says the American writer Philip Roth. And for these reasons we have chosen these artists and works to show and demonstrate the power and diversity of approaches but also to capture the effects of dispersion, scattering, borders, origin and return, insider and outsider, that correspond to realities and lived experiences offering an emblematic range.” – Ami Barak

The "Diasporic" exhibition was opened on Wednesday, June 7, between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., at the Centrul de Interes in Cluj-Napoca. The opening was followed on Thursday, June 8, from 18:00, by a round table on the exhibition, moderated by Florin Ștefan - artist, professor at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, president of the Center of Interest Federation, with the participation of: Ami Barak - curator and independent art critic / Decebal Scriba - artist / Dana Fabini - artist and university professor at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca / Vlad Țoca - art historian and university professor at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca. Benoît Bavouset – creative and artistic education advisor at the French Ministry of Culture in Mamoudzou Mayotte, and Bogdan Ghiu – writer, essayist, translator, participated in the round table via Zoom.


2022 Art Lab Performance / Parcul Artelor - Laborator performativ

One week project of interdisciplinary art forms with students from Art Education / Painting Department of the UAD - University of Art and Design in Cluj Napoca, Romania. Choreography: Oana Mureșan, founder of OM Studio Choreografic Center - the first independent center in Cluj-Napoca dedicated to contemporary choreographic research. Organiser: Ioana Olăhuț, artist and director of the UAD Painting Department / Dana Fabini, artist and professor for Interdisciplinary Art Forms - UAD Art Education.

Location: Pavilion Pictura, str. Aleea Parcului nr 2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
18 Nov. 2022, the second day of the project  - see video on YouTube

Sponsors and Supporters: Primăria Cluj Napoca, Universitatea de Artă și Design, OM Studio Centru Coregrafic

2021 2x5 Art as a Language / Kunst als Sprache / Arta ca Limbaj

An intercultural dialogue between five women artists from Freiburg (Germany) and five from Cluj Napoca (Romania), organized on the occasion of the 900 year city anniversary of Freiburg. The exhibition presents the diversity of current artistic techniques related to professional forms of image multiplication. Artists: Dana Fabini, Ria Hochmann, Christine Huss, Lucia Lobonț, Ana Cristina Marian, Chris Popović, Grit Schumacher, Ligia Smarandache, Elisa Stützle-Siegsmund
Curators: Dana Fabini, Christine Huss, Elisa Stützle-Siegsmund

2021 Art Exhibition - Goethe Institut Freiburg // Centrul de Cultură Urbană Cluj Napoca
see video on YouTube


Katalog / Media

Photo Documentation

2020-2021 Pandemic Lessons

"Pandemic Lessons" is a short video based on images realised by art students (class coordinated by Dana Fabini) from the Department of Art Education at University of Art and Design, Cluj Napoca (Romania). It presents sequences from an artistic study about psycho-somatic attitudes during the Corona pandemic. See also: Interview Radio Free Europe

2018-2020 Cosmopolitan(ism) / Cosmopolit(ism) / Kosmopolit(ismus)

A project about art, migration and globalisation. During the project, between 2018-2020, art professionals are invited to work together and present their intercultural experience. It focuses on the Romanian presence in this context. (Note: The events planned for 2020 were cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.)

2018-2019 Cosmopolitan(ism) in Cluj Napoca and Cologne
see video on YouTube

2019 Cosmopolitan(ism) / Cosmopolit(ism) / Kosmopolit(ismus) in Cologne:


Catalog / Media

Photo Documentation

Related Events:

Colloquium at the Romanian Library Freiburg, Germany / Kolloquium in der Rumänischen Bibliothek Freiburg

Die Rumänische Bibliothek in Freiburg im Breisgau umfasst die größte Sammlung rumänischer Kulturgüter im Ausland: Bücher, Manuskripte, Periodika, rumänische Tracht und Numismatik, etc. Anlässlich des 70. Jahrestages ihrer Gründung organisiert die Bibliothek ein Kolloquium, das Initiativen zur Förderung der rumänischen Kultur im Ausland zusammenbringt. Die Veranstaltung findet am 11.05.2019 um 17.00 Uhr in der Bibliothek statt: Uhlandstr. 7, 79102 Freiburg im Breisgau.

Mihai Neagu Basarab - Leiter der Rumänischen Bibliothek: 70 Jahre Jubiläum - Geschichte der Rumänischen Bibliothek in Freiburg
Radu Florea - Generalkonsul, Generalkonsulat von Rumänien in Stuttgart: Rumänische Kultur im Ausland

Sara de Maio
- Urbanistin und Kulturmanagerin: Le cinéma Roumaine à Genève
Dr. Dana Fabini - Konzeptkünstlerin: Dialog in Agora - Kosmopolit(ismus)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Alexandru Iosup - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Claudia Marcu - Journalistin, Amsterdam: Nieuwe Wortels (Neue Wurzeln)
Nicoleta Mitut - Programmanagerin internationale Beziehungen, Gemeente Deventer: Români în Europa (Rumänen in Europa)

Moderation: Alexandru Matei - Expert Urbane Transformation
Organisation: Mihai Neagu Basarab, Alexandru Matei, Ana Drăguțescu, Sara de Maio

 International Colloquium EXIPORA, Craiova, Romania

EXIPORA is an international colloquium organized by the Biblioteca Județeană „Alexandru și Aristia Aman” - Dolj  County Library “Alexandru & Aristia Aman" on 10.-14.04.2019 and financed by Consiliul Județean - Dolj County Council, Romania.

The word EXIPORA stands for “exile” and “diaspora”. The International Colloquium approaches themes related to Romanian exile and diaspora through the works and activities of great Romanian culture personalities, who have lived and created outside the borders of the country.

This year’s edition brings in the forefront of discussions three senior figures of Romanian exile culture: Andrei Șerban, one of the most important and appreciated contemporary theater and opera directors, multi-awarded for his innovative contribution to the performing arts. Leonid Mămăligă, novel writer and playwright, publicist and editor of “Caietele Inorogului”, organiser of the Neuilly-sur-Seine literary group and co-founder of the “Hyperion” Centre. Gherasim Luca, nonconformist creator of poetic language, one of the founders of the Romanian surrealist group and prominent figure of Romanian and French avant-garde poetry.

Distinguished guests and significant representatives of the international academic and scientific community will speak about these three personalities.

Dana Fabini is an invited speaker, her topic envisages the Romanian artists who belong to the avantgarde of the 20th century, especially Gherasim Luca. More information can be found on https://www.exipora.ro/

Presentation at the Romanian Cultural Institute, Berlin / Präsentation beim Rumänisches Kulturinstitut, Berlin

Bibliotheca Diotima & Dialog in Agora: Ein Treffen mit der Künstlerin Dana Fabini / 18.03.2019 

Im Rahmen ihrer Präsentation wird die Künstlerin über das Konzept „Bibliotheca Diotima“ und die Plattform „Dialog in Agora“ sprechen.
Sie bringt Beispiele aus ihrem künstlerischen Werk und aus der interkulturellen Projektarbeit.
Weitere Infos auf der Internetseite: Rumänisches Kulturinstitut "Titu Maiorescu" Berlin

2018 Cosmopolitan(ism) / Kosmopolit(ismus) / Cosmopolit(ism) in Cluj Napoca:


Catalog / Media

Photo Documentation

2016 - 2017 Contemporary Archaeology / Arheologie Contemporană / Zeitgenössische Archäologie

Dialogue in Agora. Contemporary Archaeology is an interactive-performative project that supports contemporary art and interdisciplinary artistic expressions. The project concentrates on a cultural exchange of experiences and information between the twin cities of Cologne and Cluj Napoca (Klausenburg). The focus is on a lively and open dialogue in which the participating artists and their guests develop works inspired by the city, the people living in the place, the archaeology, the atmosphere and the current urban structure. An intensive and extensive exploration of ancient and new cultural layers is pursued through artistic means, and it offers the opportunity to inform the international public about the local culture. Over the duration of the project, from October 2016 to October 2017, video presentations, talks on specific topics with artists, curators and art theorists, interactive actions, performances and interdisciplinary workshops will take place both in Cluj Napoca and in Cologne.

2017 Contemporary Archaeology in Cologne
see video on YouTube

videostill film 2017

2017 Zeitgenössische Archäologie / Contemporary Archaeology in Cologne:


Catalog / Media

Photo Documentation

Related Events:

Presentation at Art Museum in Cluj Napoca / Prezentare la Muzeul de Artă din Cluj Napoca

„Dialog in Agora. Arheologie contemporană” este un proiect de tip interactiv și performativ, care promovează arta contemporană și interdisciplinaritatea formelor de expresie plastică. Proiectul, extins pe durata anilor 2016-2017, presupune un schimb de experiență și informație culturală între spațiul german și cel românesc, propunându-și să identifice și să consolideze în timp un exemplu de bună practică a dialogului cultural și a competenței profesionale interculturale.
Muzeul de Artă din Cluj Napoca a găzduit pe data de miercuri, 19.04.2017, de la ora 18.00, în Sala Tonitza, o prezentare publică a catalogului și documentației realizate în 2016, precum și a direcțiilor de cercetare artistică pentru anul 2017. Evenimentul a avut loc în prezența artiștilor români și a invitaților lor.

Cuvânt de deschidere:
Alexandra Sârbu - critic de artă, muzeograf, Muzeul de Artă din Cluj Napoca
Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Sbârciu - președintele Universității de Artă și Design din Cluj Napoca
Ingo Tegge - directorul Centrului Cultural German / Goethe-Zentrum Klausenburg
Dr. Vianu Mureșan - Filozof și Scriitor
Artiști prezenți: Dana Fabini, Gavrilă Zmicală, Istvan Feleki, Ligia Smarandache, Marius Georgescu
Moderator: Dr. Dana Fabini - coordonatorul proiectului, Cluj Napoca / Köln

2016 Contemporary Archaeology in Cluj Napoca
see video on YouTube

video still 2016

2016 Arheologie Contemporană / Contemporary Archaeology in Cluj Napoca:


Catalog / Media

Photo Documentation

Related Events:

Presentation at the University of Cologne / Präsentation an der Universität zu Köln

Das Projekt Dialog in Agora. Zeitgenössische Archäologie künstlerische Forschung in situ, wurde im Oktober 2016 in Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg, Rumänien) von Kölner und Klausenburger KünstlerInnen durch einen vielschichtigen Kulturaustausch eröffnet. Das Projekt setzt auf einen kulturellen Austausch von Erfahrungen und Informationen zwischen den Partnerstädten Köln und Cluj Napoca (Klausenburg). Der Fokus liegt auf einem lebendigen und offenen Dialog, bei dem die teilnehmenden Künstler/innen und ihre Gäste Arbeiten entwickeln, die von der Stadt, den am Ort lebenden Menschen, der Archäologie, der Atmosphäre und der aktuellen städtischen Struktur inspiriert sind. Es wird mit Hilfe künstlerischer Mittel eine intensive und extensive Erforschung bestehender alter und neuer Kulturschichten verfolgt. Dies geschieht durch eine Kombination aus dem Erbe der Vergangenheit und aktuellen Gegebenheiten und bietet die Möglichkeit, die internationale Öffentlichkeit über die lokale Kultur zu informieren. Über die Dauer des Projektes, von Oktober 2016 bis Oktober 2017, werden sowohl in Cluj Napoca als auch in Köln Videopräsentationen, Gespräche zu speziellen Thematiken mit Künstlern, Kuratoren und Kunsttheoretikern, interaktive Aktionen, Performances und interdisziplinäre Workshops stattfinden.

In Wort und Bild werden nun die erste Ergebnisse dieses Dialogs dem Publikum in Köln vorgestellt.
Donnerstag 15.12.2016 / 18.00 Uhr
Bibliothek des Internationalen Kollegs Morphomata - Universität zu Köln www.morphomata.uni-koeln.de

Die beteiligten Kölner KünstlerInnen Beate Gördes, Letiția Gaba, Petra Deus, Wolfgang Stöcker sind anwesend.
Grußwort: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Boschung - Direktor Klassische Archäologie, Morphomata
Grußwort: Generalkonsul Mihai Botorog, Rumänisches Konsulat in Bonn
Moderation: Dr. Dana Fabini - Projektleitung, Köln / Klausenburg
Anlässlich der Präsentation wird der Katalog und ein Kurzfilm zum Klausenburger Event vorgestellt.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen und die Fortsetzung des Dialogs!